Scientists at Klaipėda University have started an experiment growing shrimp in closed systems using geothermal water from depths of more than 1 km. This is relevant for the development of seawater aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region as it is difficult to establish natural farms here, and production costs increase significantly when preparing seawater artificially.
According to the head of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Laboratory of the Marine Research Institute, dr. Nerijus Nika: “geothermal resources of Western Lithuania are highly mineralized, their composition is similar to that of seawater so it can potentially become an excellent source of salt for the development of brackish water aquaculture in the Baltic Sea region. This is relevant from the perspective of business development as brackish water aquaculture is of higher added value. If the tests prove successful, the use of geothermal water would create a significant regional competitive advantage. “
The currently ongoing experiment is one of the TETRAS project activities. The project aims to create a symbiosis of innovative aquaculture and other industries to use water and other resources more sustainably, and to identify new business niches. The main partners of the project in Lithuania include Klaipėda Science and Technology Park, Klaipėda University and AB Akola group (former AB Linas Agro Group).
According to AB Akola group business development director Arūnas Zubas, the company participates in various initiatives to achieve innovation and sustainability in food production. “We were invited to the TETRAS project by Klaipėda Science and Technology Park, which has been researching the use of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) for a long time. We aim to carry out a large-scale shrimp farming feasibility study in Europe, after which we will have a plan and be able to decide whether it is worth investing in, or not,” said A. Zubas.
Fresh shrimps are still considered a luxury item with prices per kilogram reaching as high as 100 euros, but according to experts with the use of right technologies shrimps could become one of the most affordable and sustainable sources of protein in the future. Geothermal water, which is the shallowest in Western Lithuania compared to other regions of the country, is a natural, easily accessible resource that would allow heating the water to a temperature suitable for shrimp cultivation and salting it, thus reducing costs.

About the project
The TETRAS project, co-funded by the Interreg BSR program, helps promote the transition to a green and resilient Baltic Sea region. TETRAS (Technology transfer for thriving recirculating aquaculture systems in the Baltic Sea Region) aims to solve common challenges of the Baltic Sea region – how to harmonize economic development with social and environmental protection goals.
Total project budget is EUR 2,955,553
Klaipėda Science and Technology Park budget EUR 333,524.80 (ERPF co-financing EUR 266,819.84)
More about the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program 2021-2027: https://interreg-baltic.eu/projct/tetras/
This article was prepared with the financial support of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. Klaipėda Science and Technology Park is responsible for the content of the article. It does not reflect the views of the Program.
Photos by Andrius Kundrotas