36 months 2023/01/01 – 2025/12/31
Project total eligible budget:
4,6 mln EUR
Partner budget:
145.303,20 EUR (ERDF co-financing 116.242,56 EUR)
Interreg Baltijos jūros regiono programa 2021-2027
Blue Supply Chains
About the project. Ports serve as economic backbones of BSR regions. At the same time, emissions from freight transport and port activities contribute highly to pollution. Even though emissions have many different sources, a major share is linked to port activities and transport chains. Port authorities (PA) are only responsible for a fraction of those activities, but nevertheless are an important player when it comes to the implementation of emission reduction measures. Their limited knowledge which role they could take to influence emission reduction and unsatisfactory cooperation hinder the implementation of effective greening measures, though.
BSC will provide a three-pillar approach on how PAs can support greening process in port operation (electrification of handling equipment), by providing alternative fuels (bunkering & charging strategy) and by pushing to set-up green transport chains (combined transport). Solutions will be jointly developed, tested in selected ports, evaluated, adjusted & transferred to other ports. Cooperation with research, private enterprises & business support organisations ensures the involvement of end users, high practicability of results & market uptakes in the long run. Umbrella organisations as Baltic Ports Organisation support the process. National Ministries (as PPs & AOs) will use the solutions to adopt their national emission reduction plans & by that creating the framework conditions for PAs to play an appropriate role in the greening process.