Spalio 6-8 d. vyksiantis jau penktasis tarptautinis uosto technologijų hakatonas „Portathon“ įgauna vis aukštesnį parengties lygį. Šią savaitę organizatoriai pristatė pirmąjį mentorių dešimtuką ir paskelbė naujieną apie būsimą renginio ambasadą Oslo uosto būstinėje, kurioje komandos galės susitikti, ebndrauti ir ruoštis gyvai – kaip ir pagrindinėje hakatono lokacijoje Klaipėdoje.
Sparčiai besiregistruojančios komandos nekantriai laukia iššūkių, kuriuos tikisi išspręsti per 48 valandas. Iššūkius hakatono dalyviams tradiciškai teikia uostas ir jūrinis verslas, įsitraukia ir savivaldos, kitų sričių atstovai. Iššūkiai pozicionuojami pagal jau išgrynintas tematines kryptis – tai logistika, energetika, tvari uostų, uostamiesčių bei ekosistemų aplinka, skaitmeniniai sprendimai jūrinei industrijai.
Nors iššūkių registracija dar tebėra atidaryta, jau galima susipažinti su 8 užduotimis, kurias pateikė Klaipėdos miesto savivaldybės įsteigtas daugiafunkcinis paslaugų centras verslui, investuotojams ir talentams – VšĮ „Klaipėda ID”, Lietuvos jūrinio klasterio narės kompanija „Ignitis Renewables”, kompanija „Bega”, Klaipėdos universiteto Jūros tyrimų institutas, Lietuvos aukštoji jūreivystės mokykla, Blekingės technologijų universitetas (Švedija) ir Oslo Metropoliteno universitetas bei Oslo uostas (Norvegija).
Iššūkių savininkai komandas kvies sukurti prototipo modulį, kuris pasitarnautų kuriant jūrinio sektoriaus įmonių duomenų bazę, hakeriai bus kviečiami pateikti perspėjimo sistemos sprendimą, kuris aktualus ekstremalaus vėjo ir vandens sporto propaguotojams ir pramoginių laivų savininkams, taip pat tikimasi sugeneruoti sprendimą, įgalinantį sumažinti anglies dioksido (CO2) emisijas įgyvendinant vėjo jėgainių plėtros jūroje projektus, nes kol kas tai yra rimtas iššūkis įvairių elementų transportavimo ir jėgainių įrengimo etapuose. Partnerių iš Švedijos iššūkiai apima sprendimą, skirtą Baltijos jūros regione vystomų jūrinės vėjo energetikos projektų rizikos vertinimui, bei įrankį, įgalinantį prognozuoti laivų CO2 emisijas. Oslo Metropoliteno universitetas hakerius kviečia pasiūlyti sprendimą, įgalinantį vykdyti vandens aplinkos monitoringą uostuose. Oslo uostas pateikė net du iššūkius: vienas jų apima uosto mokesčių apskaičiavimo skaitmenizavimo sprendimą, kitas – automatizuotą uostų raportavimo apie emisijas sprendimą.
Išsamius šių iššūkių aprašymus (anglų kalba) pateikiame žemiau.
Pagrindiniai hakatono organizatoriai – Klaipėdos mokslo ir technologijų parkas ir Lietuvos jūrinis klasteris, drauge su ilgamečiais hakatono partneriais bei kasmet jų gretas papildančiais naujais vardais. Šiemet „Portathon“ taip pat neš tarptautinio projekto Blue Supply Chains vėliavą bei sieks atliepti ir jam aktualius iššūkius, susijusius su tvarių tiekimo grandinių kūrimu ir plėtra Baltijos jūros šalių regione.
Šiemet pirmoji paskatinti technologinius talentus suskubo skaitmeninio energijos valdymo ir automatizacijos sprendimų lyderė „Schneider Electric Lietuva“. 2021 m. „Schneider Electric“ buvo pripažinta tvariausia įmone pasaulyje.
„Portathon“ kasmet sutelkia apie 100 inovatorių iš Lietuvos ir užsienio šalių. „Portathon“ formatas uostui ir verslui suteikia galimybę rasti technologinį raktą, kuris atvertų naujų galimybių duris, padėtų patobulinti procesus ar išspręsti konkrečią problemą. Sprendimų kūrėjų gretose kasmet galima išvysti studentų, startuolių ir dėstytojų, IT, laivų statybos, transporto ir logistikos specialistų.
Dalyvių / komandų registracija:
Mentorių registracija:
Iššūkių registracija:
1. Prototype module for data gathering to create a database of companies in the maritime sector
Challenge owner: Klaipeda ID
To implement the strategy of the city of Klaipėda 2030, it is necessary to follow and analyze the changing indicators in the defined sectors: maritime economy, bioeconomy, advanced industrial and creative, and service economies – which all benefit from the seashore.
However, the current Classification of Economic Activities (EVRK) system is not effective in identifying companies’ activities and assigning them to specific sectors, such as marine. So, we cannot objectively evaluate benefits, progress, and challenges in these sectors.
One of the solutions steps is to initially identify companies according to their targeted activities. We are looking for a very clear AI solution where from a given list of companies through their web pages AI is searching by provided service keywords.
So basically, AI solution with web scraping. Ideally, the final company list could be integrated with Sodra’s open data, which would immediately return meaningful economic data on these sectors.
2. An alarm system for all extreme wind sports enthusiasts and recreational boat owners
Challenge owner: KU Marine Research Institute
Climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressure affect sandy coasts. Both processes and coastal accumulation and erosion can be unfavourable for the socio-economic activities on the seashore. Klaipeda is an example of this process. The Port of Klaipeda, with its jetties, strongly affects coastal processes. In the Port of Klaipeda jetties from 2005 till now, intense coastal erosion was observed in the direct impact zone. The shoreline moved inland by more than 50 m. At the same time, this coastal erosion created a favourable spot for windsurfing at the SE Baltic Sea coast.
The same meteorological conditions, strong (more than 20m/s) westerly winds, with the increased water level, are dangerous for the Port of Klaipeda activities and desirable for the windsurfers. Can you create an alarm system for all extreme wind sports enthusiasts and recreational boat owners to warn them about favourable wind conditions for the wind sports and dangers for the operation boats in the Port of Klaipeda aquatorium? Requirements for the alarm system: collect data on the wind gusts, water level, wave height, predominant wind, and wave direction and analyse available data to prognosis the conditions we are interested.
3. Reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted during the construction (transportation and installation) phase of the offshore windfarm development
Challenge owner: Ignitis Renewables
For transportation from the marshalling yard to the site and installation of various offshore wind farm components (WTG, foundations, offshore substation platform, etc.), vessels that are capable of consuming up to 50 tons of fuel per day are used.
By investigating the current industry practices, transportation methods, and installation processes that contribute to CO2 emissions to develop innovative and sustainable alternatives or modifications to existing practices that can significantly reduce CO2 emissions during offshore windfarm construction.
Consider aspects such as logistics optimization, renewable energy use, and technology advancements.
The solution providers are asked to estimate the environmental benefits of your proposed solutions in terms of CO2 emissions reduction and calculate the potential reduction in CO2 emissions over the construction phase of offshore windfarm development.
Also, assess the feasibility of implementing your proposed solutions within the existing offshore windfarm construction industry. Consider factors like scalability, regulatory requirements, and industry acceptance.
4. Risk Assessment for offshore energy projects in the Baltic Sea region
Challenge owner: Blekinge Institute of Technology
Situation. Increased subsea and offshore energy asset usage may result in additional expensive operations, higher environmental impact, and risk for human resources.
Data-mining excellence. Use data mining approaches to forecast risk, costs, or best time window availabilities for an offshore project development. Find the solution based on historical data and generate a data model as a support tool to measure efficiency and cost reductions for offshore developments.
1. Cargo vessel traffic dataset (AIS dataset, resolution 10 mins )
2. Baltic Sea region on the map (Lat_min: 54.5, Lat_max: 55.4, Lon_min: 13.0Lon_max: 13.5)
5. Data mining excellence – forecasting vessel emissions
Challenge owner: Blekinge Institute of Technology
Ports by using data mining approaches demonstrate excellence in forecasting cargo vessel arrivals for a specific port. We are looking for a solution that designs a data-driven model as a support tool to predict CO2 emissions. The data-driven model should be integrated with external data sources:
- Cargo vessel unloading time
- Cargo vessel CO emissions in parking mode
- Cargo vessel energy consumption while unloading in Kwt/hour
All registered port calls to the following countries: Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland.
Vessel’s type: all cargo and all tankers (> 65 meters)
Fields: Port ID, Port name, LOCODE, MMSI, IMO, Vessel name, Vessel destination, Vessel type, Time of arrival, Time of departure
6. Online environmental monitoring of water in port areas
Challenge owner: Oslo Metropolitan University
There is a lack of solutions that allow monitoring of water quality and environmental parameters in port areas in a continuous and cost-effective manner. As a result of this data gap, it is very difficult to determine changes in the environment or to document whether certain environmental policy measures are having a real impact. This includes data such as temperature, turbidity, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll, underwater noise, images, video, and many more.
To develop a prototype of online environmental monitoring of water in port areas.
7. Automation and digitization of the calculation of cargo units (Big bags)
Challenge owner: Stevedoring company BEGA
Recently, Klaipeda Stevedoring Company BEGA, Klaipeda Seaport operator, has become the gateway to the supply of fertilizers for Lithuanian farmers. BEGA not only unloads bulk fertilizers from the vessels and stores them, but also provides value-added services such as blending components to produce the final products, also, bagging bulk fertilizers into big bags and preparing them for delivery to the final recipient by trucks (24 t/truck). As the number of big bags has been increasing rapidly recently (3000-6000 big bags of different weight – 0,5 / 0,6 / 1 t – per day), BEGA is looking for a solution of a technology or system to automatically count big bags and to “recognize” the sort of cargo in them.
8. Elaboration of Prototyped Database for Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning in Klaipeda
Challenge owner: Lithuanian Maritime Academy
Implementation of sustainable urban mobility principles is a key action in order to achieve harmonious interaction between Klaipeda City and Klaipeda Port, and to sustain a bond of environmental, economic, social and technological factors that affect ensurance of clean and healthy environment for local inhabitants. Klaipeda City experiences a plenty of traffic flows borne by the circulation of the freight transport, which goes to the port area and backwards from the port areas through urban areas of Klaipeda. These processes cause a plenty of negative impacts on the circulation of public transport, it forms traffic jams of private vehicles in particular during the rush hours. Port cargoes are being transported by tracks and by trains and a circulation of freight transport leaves a significant CO2 and NO2 emissions in the air of residential districts. Due to intensive flows of traffic the roads experience an intensive amortisation and are needed to be repaired and improved permanently. The schedules of the trains passing through urban industrial areas are not adjusted and also it causes plenty of traffic congestion.
The overall objective of the challenge: to elaborate a prototyped database of indicators for measuring the efficiency of sustainable urban mobility processes in order to plan new and innovative solutions based on strategic planning decisions.
Implementation of sustainable urban mobility principles in the form of actions requires creating the monitoring system in the form of a database with a set of absolute and relative indicators with spatial and non-spatial attributes. Elaboration of prototyped database is required to measure sustainable urban mobility processes and to create the action for strategic sustainable urban mobility planning with application of KPIs (key performance indicators) to solve the problems and to maintain a better and healthy environment for local inhabitants.
9. Digitalizing Port fees calculation
Challenge owner: Port of Oslo
Traditionally, calculating port fees for ships has been a laborious and time-consuming process. The Port of Oslo is seeking innovative solutions to digitize and simplify this process for its customers.
In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges of the current manual system and the potential benefits of digitalization.
Participants are challenged to create a user-friendly digital solution for calculating port fees for ships docking at the Port of Oslo. The digital calculator should take into account various factors, such as ship size, duration of stay, and specific services used.
It should also be accessible via a web application or mobile app, making it easy for customers to use. The solution should streamline the fee calculation process and enhance transparency for port users.
The prices are given in the booklet. The booklet can be found here.
10. Automating CO2 Emission Reporting
Challenge owner: Port of Oslo
The City of Oslo’s Port Authority is committed to reducing emissions from land activity (infrastructure projects, maintenance, port handling) by reporting emission data three times a year. Currently, this process is manual and time-consuming, involving the compilation of emission numbers for fuel, biogas, and electricity into Excel sheets. The challenge is to develop a digital solution that streamlines and automates this reporting process, making it more efficient and accurate.
Challenge Scope: Participants are tasked with creating a digital platform or application that enables the Port of Oslo to report emissions from land activity in a more efficient and automated manner. The solution should encompass the following aspects:
Data Collection:
•Develop a mechanism for collecting emission data in a standardized format.
•Implement real-time data acquisition if feasible and applicable.
Data Entry:
•Create user-friendly interfaces for data entry to input emission figures for fuel, biogas, and electricity.
•Allow for data validation and error-checking to ensure accuracy.
Automated Reporting and visualization:
•Automate the generation of reports for emissions.
•Develop tools for analyzing and visualizing emission data over time.
•Provide insights and trends to support decision-making for emission reduction strategies.
•Implement user roles and permissions for different stakeholders involved in the reporting process.
•Ensure compatibility with industry standards and protocols for emission reporting.
•Design an idea of a secure database system to store emission data for each reporting period.
Interreg Baltijos jūros regiono programos bendrafinansuojamas projektas Blue Supply Chains padeda paskatinti perėjimą prie žalio ir atsparaus Baltijos jūros regiono.
Šis straipsnis parengtas panaudojant Interreg Baltijos jūros regiono programos finansinę paramą. Už straipsnio turinį atsakingas Klaipėdos mokslo ir technologijų parkas. Jokiomis aplinkybėmis negali būti laikoma, kad tai atspindi Programos nuomonę.