+370 46 310461
Vilhelmo Berbomo str. 10, LT–92221, Klaipėda, Lithuania

Cyber Maritime Security & Port Community Systems for Small and Medium-sized Ports


Cyber Maritime Security & Port Community Systems for Small and Medium-sized Ports


09:00 - 10:45

Event Type

The second episode of our online session will be held at 15th of October 2020 starting at 09:00 CET. Again, Connect2SmallPorts project is glad to cooperate with SECMAR project to organise the event as well as to share the fully confirmed AGENDA

Both projects provide one key-note speaker as well as a short presentation from current project results and processes. Prof. Lawrence Henesey will once again open the online session as moderator and chair the roundtable discussion at the end of the event. Mikael Lagström shares new insights of cyber security from his view as General Manager at Truesec, followed by Prof. Vytautas Paulauskas presenting first results from the Connect2SmallPorts audits and David Appleberg providing latest perceptions from SECMAR project progress. Richard Morton’s presentation will provide an overview of Port Community Systems and Port Resilience during COVID-19 and leads over to our roundtable discussion guided by our moderator.

To join the event, please REGISTER yourself to receive the link for our online room shortly in advance of the event. 

The event will be recored and uploaded to the Connect2SmallPorts Channel afterwards, also you should check out our last online session on “Smart Tools for Smart and Medium Ports”.


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