+370 46 310461
Vilhelmo Berbomo str. 10, LT–92221, Klaipėda, Lithuania


36 months 2023/01/01 – 2025/12/31

Project total eligible budget: 

2,955,553 EUR

Partner budget: 

333.524,80 EUR (ERDFco-financing 266.819,84 EUR)

Interreg Baltijos jūros regiono programa 2021-2027



Project summary. In the project TETRAS (Technology transfer for thriving recirculating aquaculture systems in the Baltic Sea Region), public authorities trigger fish and shrimp farming on land, which reuses water from industries related to energy production and geothermal resources.
TETRAS aims to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of RAS by demonstrating how these systems can be placed strategically or combined with industrial processes to increase resource use efficiency while producing affordable and healthy food.
One process’s waste or residual is another process’s resource.

The TETRAS project addresses a challenge common to regions across the Baltic Sea Region: how to harmonise economic development with social and environmetal goals. Much of the excess water or energy used in industry is lost to the environment. What if we could capture these resources and use them for food production? Specifically, how can we use water in a smart way that balances the needs of industry with state-of-the-art food production systems? The solution is RAS: Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. On its own, RAS are expensive and energy-intensive. However, as industrial „add-ons”, RAS can be highly efficient methods of food production. For example, in combination with geothermal heat exchange, water re-use (e.g. so-called „technical” water) or agri-aqua symbioses like aquaponics. Besides food, RAS creates additional revenue streams, e.g. by-products for use in cosmetics, bioplastics, fertiliser, or biogas.

TETRAS will show how RAS can be placed in strategic geographic locations, or combined with industrial processes to increase efficiency, while producing affordable, healthy food. The partnership will co-develop regional pilots and standardised tools for municipalities to assess and monitor RAS applications and match them with suitable industries. These tools will allow public authorities to integrate RAS into regional development strategies, contributing to both sustainable waters and the transition to a circular economy in a win-win scenario.

36 months. 2024.07.01 – 2027.06.30

Total Project Budget:
1,662,548.10 EUR

Partner budget:
300,000.00  EUR
(ERDF co-financing 240 000.00  EUR)

Interreg South Baltic programme 2021-2027



South Baltic SMEs Advancing Beyond Borders

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the blue and green sectors are vital to economic growth in the South Baltic region. However, they face a significant challenge: going international. Only 34% of them engage in global business since it is complex to perform an international expansion due to legal framework, market insight, and financial difficulties.

The ‘South Baltic SMEs Advancing Beyond Borders’ (SMEBEYOND) is a cross-border Interreg project that will support SMEs in sectors such as renewable energy, sustainable urban development, water and waste management, food packaging, plasma technology, and maritime to get international and have successful ventures. In collaboration with partners from Denmark, Sweden, Poland, and Lithuania, the project will facilitate various matchmaking sessions to support SMEs in establishing international contacts.

The project aims to cultivate a competitive business ecosystem in the South Baltic Region through cross-border collaboration with SMEs, policymakers, investors, NGOs, and business networks. With support from Interreg South Baltic, it will run from 2024 to 2027 and has a budget of 1.6 million euros.

Funding: The project is co-funded by Interreg South Baltic with funds from the European Regional Development Fund. It aims to unlock the potential of the South Baltic’s blue and green growth through cross-border cooperation between local and regional actors.


48 months 2024/03/01 – 2028/02/29

Project total eligible budget: 

4,900,000 EUR

Partner budget: 

212,583 EUR (ERDFco-financing 42,517 EUR)

Erasmus+ programme



Project summary. The ICT sector is growing rapidly and constantly evolving, creating a strong need for new skills and innovation. However, according to the OECD, current VET programmes often struggle to keep up with these changes and do not always provide students with the skills and opportunities they need to succeed in ICT jobs in industry. The fourth and fifth industrial revolutions are key drivers of the changing role of VET, as they are shaping the content and form of new jobs, skills and occupational requirements. “INVESTech aims to promote the innovation potential of VET in participating countries by fostering cooperation between education, labour market and other stakeholders; facilitating skills development and the use of innovative technologies; promoting green transition and social inclusion; and providing opportunities for transnational cooperation and the exchange of best practices, thus ensuring that VET can play a key role in supporting innovation, skills development, green transformation and social inclusion.

Goals. The aim of the project is to support the creation of an international cooperation platform and the development of Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in five European countries: Slovakia, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Lithuania.


Results and outcomes. INVESTech will foster the creation of CoVEs in five European regions (Košice in Slovakia, Attica in Greece, Sofia in Bulgaria, Nicosia in Cyprus and Klaipėda in Lithuania), involving a five-level innovation spiral (Q2IH) framework that promotes partnerships between academia, industry, the public sector, civil society and other sectors. By fostering collaboration between different types of stakeholders, the project aims to support the alignment of CoVE with regional smart specialisation strategies focusing on sustainable development and innovation. More specifically, INVESTech will develop a bottom-up approach to vocational skills, involving a wide range of stakeholders at regional level, building on, expanding or creating new skills ecosystems, thus enabling CoVE to rapidly adapt skills provision to changing economic and social needs.

36 months. 2023.09.15 – 2026.09.14

Total Project Budget:
1,680,450.00 EUR

Partner Budget:
224,900.00  EUR
(ERDF co-financing 44,980.00  EUR)

Interreg South Baltic programme 2021-2027



About the project. Small and medium-sized ports (SMSPs) contribute to regional development, being a regional capacity and main actor of Blue Growth with a high potential to enhance regional growth through strong and sustainable connections with the hinterland. However, SMSPs tend to suffer from lower trade volumes and freight turnovers compared to bigger seaports, but also face economic, geographic, and environmental disadvantages. Moreover, SMSPs are highly underrepresented when it comes to EU Smart Growth as well as Regional Innovation Strategies on Smart Specialisation (RIS3).

Nevertheless, the term Smart Ports is increasingly used in economic and scientific debates without a unified definition for what a smart port actually is. Whereas one stream argues a smart port needs to be fully automated, the focus on SMSPs reveals smart ports being surely digital, but also resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and innovation-driven.

Standardised solutions or technologies are not working in the majority of SMSPs of the South Baltic Area, as requirements and conditions at the port sites are highly individual and partly unique. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions for SMSPs. Thus, it is necessary to develop a Smart Port Strategy particular for SMSPs, which can be adapted to individual requirements and provides the most applicable innovations, being digital, environmental-friendly, socially beneficial and economic – or in one word: smart.

The envisaged project is in line with SO1.2. and requires the seed money funding to set up the Smart Port Strategy for SMSPs as a validated concept for further project development.

24 months. 2023.10.01 – 2025.09.30

Total Project Budget: 749,922.34 EUR

Partner Budget:
67,196 EUR (ERPF co-financing 13,440 EUR)

Horizon Europe –the framework programme for research and innovation (2021-2027) – EMFAF 


Cool Blue Baltic

About the project. A two-year project that aims to create a network of Regenerative Ocean Farming (ROF) initiatives.

Expected results: The project will assess the interest and feasibility of establishing new RAO sites through multi-stakeholder co-assessment workshops, while developing six ongoing collaboration frameworks (key deliverables ) to create favorable conditions for regenerative ocean farming, including measures to monitor regenerative ocean impacts on farms in Baltic water ecosystems. The project will consist of eight exploitation events in participating Baltic Sea region countries to initiate a public international movement to engage coastal communities in ecological restoration and regenerative ocean farming initiatives.

Application/Relevance: COOL BLUE BALTIC will provide concrete examples of ecosystem restoration, viable business models and social innovation to reorient future fishermen and/or farmers to diversify their income through regenerative aquaculture (i.e. regenerative ocean farming).


36 months 2023/01/01 – 2025/12/31

Project total eligible budget: 

4,6 mln EUR

Partner budget: 

145.303,20 EUR (ERDF co-financing 116.242,56 EUR)

Interreg Baltijos jūros regiono programa 2021-2027


Blue Supply Chains

About the project. Ports serve as economic backbones of BSR regions. At the same time, emissions from freight transport and port activities contribute highly to pollution. Even though emissions have many different sources, a major share is linked to port activities and transport chains. Port authorities (PA) are only responsible for a fraction of those activities, but nevertheless are an important player when it comes to the implementation of emission reduction measures. Their limited knowledge which role they could take to influence emission reduction and unsatisfactory cooperation hinder the implementation of effective greening measures, though.

BSC will provide a three-pillar approach on how PAs can support greening process in port operation (electrification of handling equipment), by providing alternative fuels (bunkering & charging strategy) and by pushing to set-up green transport chains (combined transport). Solutions will be jointly developed, tested in selected ports, evaluated, adjusted & transferred to other ports. Cooperation with research, private enterprises & business support organisations ensures the involvement of end users, high practicability of results & market uptakes in the long run. Umbrella organisations as Baltic Ports Organisation support the process. National Ministries (as PPs & AOs) will use the solutions to adopt their national emission reduction plans & by that creating the framework conditions for PAs to play an appropriate role in the greening process.  

36 months. 2024.07.01 – 2027.06.30

Total Project Budget:
1,452,835.00 EUR

Partner Budget:
228,500.00  EUR
(ERDF co-financing 182,800.00  EUR)

Interreg South Baltic programme 2021-2027



Better Paper Packaging Management

BePacMan project focuses on extending the life cycles of paper packaging through cross-sector and cross-border approaches to reuse in the South Baltic region.

The partner countries will develop sustainable concepts, solutions and business models for this purpose and for structurized support to SMEs. Collaborating with important stakeholders such as e-commerce, logistics and waste management companies as well as technology providers and political decision-makers, new economically and ecologically sustainable business models for the reuse of packaging are to be developed. The packaging should remain in its shape for as long as possible, thus avoiding the generation of paper waste by reusing the paper packaging to extend the life cycle of the packaging materials, and facilitate the shift from linear to circular resource use. At the same time, the energy and water costs for processing the paper can be further optimized through recycling and climate-damaging emissions can be reduced.

Project total eligible budget:
1,977,860.00 EUR

1,681,181.00 EUR

Project start date:
01 Jul 2019

Project end date:
30 Jun 2022




Liquid Energy/ Liquefied (bio-) gas as a driving force for development and use of green energy technology.

In the global network of economic structures, independent power supplies are becoming increasingly significant, even if it that means increases in energy costs. Alternative fuels also make a significant contribution to improving environmental performance, such as reducing CO2 and pollution emissions. However, a particular technical challenge associated with the energy transition is the storage and distribution of high volumes of energy, for example in the form of liquid biogas or natural gas. This is the specific technological issue that the ‘Liquid Energy’ project addresses, jointly developing solutions and creating a platform for a broader and more universal use of (bio-)LNG in a micro/nano form (e.g. in decentralised energy supply system) as an alternative fuel in the future.

The most important goal of the project is a contribution to solving technical problems and popularisation of a decentralized (regional) energy conversion with simultaneous local consumption including transport of alternative fuel. To achieve this goal, the project divided all necessary aspects of its content into: WP3, which is focused on creating a cooperation space necessary for interaction between focal actors accelerating development and use of (bio-) LNG technology, products and services in the micro and nano scale; and WP4, which is focused on presenting possible application of the (bio-)LNG-based technology to raise awareness about added value of (bio-) LNG related technical solutions and to increase knowledge about their practical contribution to strengthening environmental sustainability and economic innovation of the South Baltic region.

Furthermore, the joint cooperation of project partners from Poland, Germany and Lithuania allows for joining existing resources, knowledge and relevant actors on cross-border level and significantly contributing to the creation of critical mass and unlocking (especially) business cooperation in this technological area. All of which creates for a way for utilising the untapped potential of (bio-) LNG as an alternative energy source.


Project start date:
01 Oct 2020

Project end date:
31 Dec 2022



Estimation, monitoring and reduction of plastic pollutants in Latvian-Lithuanian coastal area via innovative tools and awareness raising (ESMIC).

Project aimed to develop a sustainable, cost-effective framework for plastic litter detection, monitoring and management in marine and coastal environments. Absence of physical coastal borders between Latvia and Lithuania means that actions taken in one country might affect the other. Plastic that accumulates in algal wracks on the shore or in algal scum might be a target area for plastic pollution estimation and mitigation measures. The project aimed to link remotely sensed features (Earth observation from space and drones) with marine plastic litter in such areas and suggest a joint and efficient approach for monitoring and management, which can be used by municipalities or national authorities in Lithuania and Latvia.

Moreover, in relation with a single-use plastic ban from the year 2021 project aimed to screen alternatives to replace single-use plastic, assess environmental, social and economical impact of marine litter pollution and its reduction, engage consumers, retailers, local municipalities, industry representatives, residents, environmental groups and tourism associations – to ensure broad support of a ban of single plastic use in coastal areas.

Project outputs:

36 mėn. 2024.07.01 – 2027.06.30

Bendras projekto biudžetas:
1,662,548.10 EUR

Partnerio biudžetas:
300,000.00 EUR
(ERPF kofinansavimas 240 000.00 EUR)

Interreg Pietų Baltijos programa 2021-2027



Pietų Baltijos regiono šalių MVĮ, siekiančios pažangos peržengiant sienas / South Baltic SMEs Advancing Beyond Borders

Mažos ir vidutinės įmonės (MVĮ), veikiančios mėlynosios ir žaliosios ekonomikos sektoriuose, yra gyvybiškai svarbios Pietų Baltijos regiono ekonomikos augimui. Tačiau jos susiduria su dideliu iššūkiu – įėjimu į tarptautines rinkas. Tik 34 proc. iš jų užsiima tarptautiniu verslu, nes vykdyti tarptautinę plėtrą sudėtinga dėl teisinės sistemos, nepakamkamo rinkų išmanymo ir finansinių sunkumų.

Projektas „Pietų Baltijos regiono šalių MVĮ, siekiančios pažangos peržengiant sienas“ (SMEBEYOND) – tai tarpvalstybinis Interreg projektas, skirtas padėti MVĮ, veikiančioms tokiuose sektoriuose kaip atsinaujinanti energija, tvari miestų plėtra, vandens ir atliekų tvarkymas, maisto produktų pakavimas, plazminės technologijos ir jūriniai verslai, įsitraukti į tarptautinę veiklą ir sėkmingai plėtoti verslą. Bendradarbiaujant su partneriais iš Danijos, Švedijos, Lenkijos ir Lietuvos, projekto metu bus organizuojamos įvairios kontaktų sesijos, skirtos padėti MVĮ užmegzti ryšius tarptautinėje erdvėje.

Projektu siekiama stiprinti verslo ekosistemos konkurencingumą Pietų Baltijos regione, skatinti tarpvalstybinį bendradarbiavimą tarp MVĮ, politikos formuotojų, investuotojų, nevyriausybinių organizacijų ir verslo tinklų. Projektas, remiamas Interreg Pietų Baltijos regiono programos, bus vykdomas 2024-2027 m., jo biudžetas – 1,6 mln. eurų.

Finansavimas: Projektas bendrafinansuojamas Interreg Pietų Baltijos regiono programos Europos regioninės plėtros fondo lėšomis. Juo siekiama atskleisti Pietų Baltijos jūros mėlynojo ir žaliojo augimo potencialą pasitelkiant tarpvalstybinį vietos ir regionų subjektų bendradarbiavimą.

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