Corruption prevention
In implementing the Anti-corruption environment creation policy, the aim is to establish the main principles and requirements for the prevention of corruption of the public institution Klaipėda Science and Technology Park and the guidelines for ensuring their compliance, the implementation of which constitutes the prerequisites for creating a uniform and best-practice corruption risk management system that would ensure fair and just behavior in relations with interested parties and the adoption of objective and impartial decisions, as well as the formation of an environment unfavorable to corruption and unacceptable behavior, would increase confidence in the activities of the Klaipėda Science and Technology Park.
Director Roma Stubrienė is responsible for the creation of a corruption-resistant environment in the institution and the control and supervision of compliance with the law on the reconciliation of public and private interests. For more information contact her directly:; tel. +37065566784.
You can find the list of positions that are required to submit declarations of public and private interests here.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the documents regulating the prevention of corruption carried out by the Klaipėda Science and Technology Park:
1. Code of Conduct.
The employees of the Klaipėda Science and Technology Park are suggested to follow the recommended guidelines for behavior in the face of the offer of illegal remuneration set out in the guidelines for transparent behavior of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania. Links to documents:
- Lietuvos Respublikos ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerijos Korupcijos prevencijos politika
- Lietuvos Respublikos ekonomikos ir inovacijų ministerijos Skaidraus elgesio gairės
- Antikorupcijos aplinkos kūrimo vadovas
2. Protection of whistleblowers.
In accordance with the LR Pranešėjų apsaugos įstatymas, information on possible violations due to:
1) danger to public safety or health, personal life or health;
2) environmental hazards;
3) obstructing or unlawfully influencing investigations conducted by law enforcement authorities or courts in the administration of justice;
4) financing of illegal activities;
5) illegal or non-transparent use of public funds or property;
6) illegally acquired property;
7) concealing the consequences of the committed violation, preventing the determination of the extent of the consequences;
8) other violations;
you can submit it here:
3. Corruption prevention action plan.
Klaipėda Science and Technology Park is an entity assigned to the regulatory area of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania, therefore it uses the action plan for the prevention of corruption of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania. More information here: Korupcijos prevencijos politika ir programos.
4. Where and how to report corruption.
Please report the manifestations of corruption to the website of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation –
5. List of persons inspected by STT.
It is the duty of the hiring manager to ensure that only persons of impeccable reputation are hired and hold those positions. Before appointing the head of the institution, the Minister of Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania applies to the Special Investigations Service.
6. Information on established violations of the law of a corrupt nature, their nature and number.
In the public institution Klaipėda Science and Technology Park, no violations of the law of a corrupt nature were found.
We hereby announce the Conclusion of the Assessment on the Likelihood of Corruption Occurrence.
Relevant links:
- Korupcijos prevencijos įstatymas.
- Nacionalinė kovos su korupcija 2015-2025 metų programa.
- Lietuvos Respublikos nacionalinės kovos su korupcija 2015–2025 metų programos įgyvendinimo 2020–2022 metų tarpinstitucinis veiklos planas
- Lietuvos Respublikos Specialiųjų tyrimų tarnyba.
- Informacinis bukletas apie EBPO gaires viešajam ir privačiam sektoriui dėl užsienio pareigūno papirkimo.
- Transparency International Lietuvos skyrius.