+370 46 310461
Vilhelmo Berbomo str. 10, LT–92221, Klaipėda, Lithuania

Blue biotechnology accelerator

The international blue biotechnology accelerator program is implemented within the frames of the Alliance+ project. Having assembled a strong team of mentors, the accelerator, whose partner is Klaipėda Science and Technology Park, will help innovative ideas from the entire Baltic Sea region become tangible products and services!

We invite innovators, startups, technology developers and companies to apply and contact us for consultations.

By participating in the program and developing a product/service idea, startups will have the opportunity to use the following accelerator services:

  • Establish contacts and cooperate with one of the best biotechnology experts in the Baltic Sea region, participate in seminars, conferences, B2B meetings organized by them
  • Get expert legal advice on intellectual property, certification, safety standards
  • Get expert insights and advice on business creation and development, which includes business plan, business model development, market analysis data collection, marketing and financing issues
  • To consult on the preparation and development of innovative projects based on scientific research
  • Participants will be provided with scientific and technical support, i.e. opportunity to use consultations of the highest competence specialists, as well as their available infrastructure, laboratory equipment
  • Opportunity to use biotechnological resources – collected in the ALLIANCE “One-stop-info-shop” and recommendations for their use.

Contact Klaipėda Science and Technology Park and get an initial consultation from our specialists before submitting an application to the accelerator: KSTP Development Manager Andrius Sutnikas, andrius.sutnikas@kmtp.lt, +370 686 37681; KSTP Innovation Manager Erika Zavackienė erika@kmtp.lt, +370 684 50212.

When reviewing the application, we will take into account whether it meets the following criteria: feasibility of the idea, relevance of the idea to the Baltic Sea region, novelty of the idea, sustainability, team experience.

Approved applicants will be invited to pitch their ideas at accelerator events and attend an initial meeting with potential mentors to schedule further meetings and consultations.

There is no cost to teams to apply and participate in the accelerator. All costs are reimbursed by the SUBMARINER network.

You can apply directly to the accelerator here: https://www.submariner-network.eu/apply-for-alliance-accelerator

More information about Alliance+ and the accelerator: https://www.submariner-network.eu/alliance

Get to know the Accelerator Mentor Network, which is constantly expanding: https://www.submariner-network.eu/alliance-mentors

First accelerator applications/examples:: https://www.submariner-network.eu/alliance-plus-cases

More information

Erika Zavackienė

Projects Manager

+370 684 50212

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